Blog OOKAWA : where do you come from - Origins and trafic - Thanks to All of You
Publié le 6 Juin 2014
Blog OOKAWA : where do you come from - Origins and trafic - Thanks to All of You
Dear subscribers, dear listeners, your extreme geographical variety sources as origins are a testimonial. Great Thanks to everyone. Your comments, more and more numerous, are very welcome.
"dare to be better" expression promotes OOKAWA Corp to first position onto Google search engine among 168 Millions de résultats
"be better ok" expression promotes OOKAWA Corp to first position onto Google search engine among 653 Millions de résultats
Dare to be better ? OK ! "Le Challenge des dix prochaines années sera de concevoir sans équivoque des contenus digitaux capables de prodiguer de l'émotion, de satisfaire les nouvelles exigences de l'Homme, de donner au plus grand nombre l'envie d'accéder à la connaissance pour lui permettre de comprendre et mémoriser une information utile" / "Over the next ten years, the challenge will be to come up with designs that are exciting, that meet users' new requirements and that persuade as many people as possible to gain access to knowledge to help them understand and remember useful information".
Ookawa-Corp's Blog attendance statistics : A huge THANKS to ALL of YOU - Dare to be better ? OK ! Born by end of Novembre 2013, OOKAWA-CORP's Blog enlarge his audience... Already a 3 continents ...
Ookawa-Corp's Blog attendance statistics : A huge THANKS to ALL of YOU - Dare to be better ? OK ! Born by end of Novembre 2013, OOKAWA-CORP's Blog enlarge his audience