Les signes extérieurs se multiplient : le HOTPOINT n'est pas forcément là où on croit !

Publié le 13 Novembre 2014

Yellowstone : Extreme Heat from the SuperVolcano is Melting the Roadways (Jul 15, 2014)

Bain de boue ? radioactif ?

Les signes extérieurs se multiplient : le HOTPOINT n'est pas forcément là où on croit !

Researchers discover close correlation between civil unrest and hacktivism

Research from Arbor Networks claims to show there is a strong correlation between the actions of real-world hacktivists and online conflict.

The firm came to this interesting conclusion after it tracked a number of DDoS attacks taking place in the Asia-Pacific region, and found that the attacks mirrored what was happening with civil unrest situations in Hong Kong.


source : http://www.scmagazineuk.com/researchers-discover-close-correlation-between-civil-unrest-and-hacktivism/article/382800/

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