On Saturday April 25 2015 it's time to stop the "Aerosol Geoengineering" crime everywhere !
Publié le 16 Novembre 2014
On Saturday April 25 2015 it's time to stop the "Aerosol Geoengineering" crime everywhere !
Together We Will Ban Climate Engineering! You can Register Here https://www.facebook.com/events/622474774536566/
The damage is done! The research is conclusive! Our environment and our planet is on a dead end collision from the toxic after effects of high altitude aerosol injections commonly known Aerosol Geoengineering and Chemtrails.No Place On Earth Is Safe From Aerosols Geoengineering Ecocide ! " Ec·o·cide [ek-uh-sahyd, ee-kuh-] noun."The destruction of large areas of the natural environment by such activity as nuclear warfare, over exploitation of resources, or dumping of harmful chemicals." - Dictionary.com
On April 25 2015 .. You could be the solution to this ecological crime called climate engineering, or aerosol engineering, or Geoengineering. Help spread the awareness about climate engineering and Geoengineering everywhere around the world by starting or supporting peaceful public educational events, like information booths, hosting workshops, hosting free premiers events of related Geoengineering documentary's, public marches and protests, organized flash mobs of kindness while handing out informational flyers, or other creative peace full public events.
These events will be held simultaneously in many countries all around the world by many committed individuals and groups just like your self. Help raise awareness against the worlds largest ecological disaster mankind has ever witnessed called climate engineering with whatever your skill or talent are. The ways you can begin to educate your community are as unlimited as the stars, and we encourage you to use your own skills and ideas to spread public awareness on that day, and every day! Some groups are hosting free showings of some award winning Chemtrail Geoengineering documentaries such as "Why in the world are they spraying?", and the award winning documentary "Look UP", at their local library hall, church hall's, or community hall's with a questions and answer presentation afterwards, while still other larger groups are planning on public street marches, installing public bill boards in their communitty, protests, information booths or tables at key locations handing out flyers or dvds, coffee house presentation, or sharing a related web sites to a freind.Whatever your talent is all voices are needed to help stop this Global Ecocide.
They know that "an ignorant public is a compliant public. Silence implies consent. Therefore "education" is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world. What are you doing to help save the world from the toxic climate engineering programs today ?
Together we can ban climate engineering!
- Your global community.
read more : http://globalmarchagainstchemtrailsandgeoengineering.com/
Global March Against Chemtrails and Geoengineering 2014
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Pluie de filaments 17 mars 2014 & Monster Chemtrails . Reportage Enquète de Région du 28 mars 2014 :"Ce mal venu du ciel ?" Un reportage de 22' de Jean-Manuel Bertrand -- Alban Poitevin -- Matthias Julliand -- Frédéric Rogliano. Montage : Sébastien Micaelli. http://provence-alpes.france3.fr/2014... De mystérieux filaments qui sortiraient des doigts, des boutons sur le visage, des plaques sur les mains, une extrême fatigue ... Dans notre région et un peu partout dans le monde, des patients affirment avoir contracté une maladie étrange : celle des « morgellons ». Le nom donné autrefois aux enfants victimes d'une affection de peau endémique, apparue au 17ème siècle en Provence. Cette maladie n'est toujours pas reconnue par la médecine officielle. Mais pour ces patients, elle existe. Et le coupable, ce sont les « chemtrails ». Contraction de « chemical trails », le mot désigne des traînées chimiques que les avions laisseraient dans le ciel. Traînées persistantes, qui seraient polluantes et néfastes pour la santé. Certains parlent même d'épandages clandestins liés à de vastes programmes de géo ingénierie, des manipulations climatiques à très grande échelle... Une théorie en plein essor sur internet. Nouveau scandale écologique ou intox amplifiée par les réseaux sociaux ? Pour en savoir plus, nous avons rencontré des scientifiques, médecins, patients, responsables d'associations, météorologistes, spécialistes de l'aviation civile... Une enquête inédite sur ce nouveau phénomène.
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