By removing all obstacles and intermediaries in the supply chain anyone can design and produce the exact object they want
Publié le 16 Mars 2015
ROBOCHOP envisions a not so distant future where intelligent systems empower anyone to directly engage with heavy industrial manufacturing technologies.
By removing all obstacles and intermediaries in the supply chain anyone can design and produce the exact object they want.
As pioneered with their previous BREEDING TABLES project, the designers have developed an app that accounts for all variations of a production process as well as the physical limitations of the specified material. Within this range, the user is free to explore the full potential of the process to create a unique object. The system only allows viable designs to go into production but lets the user dictate the appearance and use. Stools, side tables, plinths and abstract sculptural pieces are just a few of the infinite items ROBOCHOP can produce.
ROBOCHOP envisions a not so distant future where intelligent systems empower anyone to directly engage with heavy industrial manufacturing technologies.
By removing all obstacles and intermediaries in the supply chain anyone can design and produce the exact object they want.
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