World on Water's" 35th Americas Cup june 03 Report

Publié le 17 Juin 2017


In Part 2 of the "World on Water's" 35th Americas Cup june 03 Report we say farewell to Franck Cammas and the Groupama Team France. Now the other four tea,s move on to find the eventual challenger for the Cup.
Now will the French go on to trial with the defender? if so that will be another change in protocol of the cup series.
Franck has his last Press Conference, Ji,,y has his for two weeks until the real cup action starts and the other skippers line up with the trophy.
It's all here.


WoW 35th Americas Cup Report #18 Day 8 June 03 17 Part 2. Dramatic Moments so far, more

WoW 35th Americas Cup Report #18 Day 8 June 03

World on Water's" 35th Americas Cup june 03 Report
WoW 35th Americas Cup Report #18 Day 8 June 03 17 Part 2. Dramatic Moments so far, more

WoW 35th Americas Cup Report #18 Day 8 June 03 17 Part 2. Dramatic Moments so far, more

WoW 35th Americas Cup Report #18 Day 8 June 03 17 Part 2. Dramatic Moments so far, more

WoW 35th Americas Cup Report #18 Day 8 June 03 17 Part 2. Dramatic Moments so far, more

WoW 35th Americas Cup Report #18 Day 8 June 03 17 Part 2. Dramatic Moments so far, more

WoW 35th Americas Cup Report #18 Day 8 June 03 17 Part 2. Dramatic Moments so far, more

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