Articles avec #aircraft tag

Publié le 18 Février 2021

The objective is to develop a novel UAV that can significantly extend engagement ranges, increase mission effectiveness, and reduce the risk to manned aircraft website. It is envisioned that LongShot will increase the survivability of manned platforms...

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Publié le 9 Mars 2015

Mission réussie pour l'avion Solar Impulse 2, qui a atterri à Mascate (Oman), après treize heures de vol La première étape de son tour du monde à l'énergie solaire est bouclée. L'avion Solar Impulse 2 (SI2) a atterri à Mascate, capitale d'Oman, à 17h...,...

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #solar impulse, #aircraft, #energy, #solar, #solar cell, #airplane


Publié le 8 Mars 2015

A record-breaking attempt to fly around the world in a solar-powered plane is set to get under way on Monday. The aircraft - called Solar Impulse-2 - will take off from Abu Dhabi and head east, first to Oman, and then to India. Over the next five months,...

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #Solar Impulse, #aircraft, #energy, #solar, #solar cell, #airplane


Publié le 19 Janvier 2015

ABOUT THE SEABREACHER The Seabreacher represents a dramatic breakthrough in recreational boating. Over ten years of meticulous engineering and extensive testing have resulted in a very safe and stable watercraft that can endure the continuous punishment...

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