Articles avec #ict tag

Publié le 3 Janvier 2022

Digital native, the term chosen for this report, is perhaps the most widely used phrase in circulation. Marc Prensky coined digital native in 2001, and later elaborated on the concept in 2009 and elsewhere. Digital natives, according to Prensky, are the...

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Publié le 24 Août 2016

The 10 countries best prepared for the new digital economy The world is changing fast. We are at the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which will bring together digital, biological and physical technologies in new and powerful combinations. The...

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Publié le 28 Janvier 2015

Some bits of insight on transhumanism January 2015 Breaking News Cyborgs Transhumanism Artificial Intelligence DARPA Demons dangers - OOKAWA Corp.

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Publié le 27 Novembre 2014

Google, ennemi public numéro un à Bruxelles Mountain View est dans le viseur du Parlement européen. Une motion en appelle à la dissociation du moteur de recherche et des autres services du géant américain. Si le texte n’est en rien contraignant, il pourrait...

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Publié le 17 Novembre 2014

Let's learn to observe : 'HAARP' MASSIVE TTA's DISCOVERED on SECRET ISLAND and SEA FLOOR Ascension Island Hydroacoustic Data System Paper No. 539 NASA SPACE FENCE Uploader:...

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #HAARP, #TTA, #HTA, #Morphed Integrated Microwave, #ICT, #GOOGLE EARTH, #real time, #360, #3d


Publié le 16 Novembre 2014

Landing soon ...

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Publié le 16 Novembre 2014

Dare to be better ? OK !"Over the next ten years, the challenge will be to come up with designs that are exciting, that meet users' new requirements and that persuade as many people as possible to gain access to knowledge to help them understand and remember...

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #ookawa corp, #dare to be better, #be better, #ok, #be ok, #dare to be better ok, #NTIC, #ICT


Publié le 14 Novembre 2014

The Global Information Technology Report 2014 Global Information Technology Report 2014 - France - Dare to be better ? OK ! The GITR analyses the latest development in the ICT industry that impact national development and benchmarks national performance...

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Publié le 14 Novembre 2014

Premiers extraits du récent ouvrage de l'OECD : "Measuring the digital economy : a new perspective" par OOKAWA-CORP Ookawa-Corp blown by B'Digital, powered by B'Leader, spread by B'Sociable, amplified by B'Press, energized by New3S, hosted +...

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #OECD, #measuring, #digital, #economy, #economie, #immateriel, #ookawa corp, #ookawa, #ICT, #NTIC


Publié le 16 Mai 2014

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2014 We invite you to organize activities in your country to mark WTISD-2014. We encourage the involvement of all sections of society to formulate awareness and consensus on the issues underlying the...

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