Articles avec #us tag

Publié le 15 Septembre 2020

Russia has criticized the U.S. for placing sanctions on Huawei Founder says U.S. sanctions have pushed the Chinese telecoms giant closer to Russia. Huawei increased its investment in Russia after the U.S. slapped the Chinese telecoms giant with sanctions...

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Publié le 12 Septembre 2020

We’re shooting for early 2021 to be able to run a fleet battle problem that is centered on unmanned. It will … be on the sea, above the sea and under the sea as we get to demonstrate how we can align to the [U.S. Indo-Pacific Command] directives to use...

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Publié le 30 Août 2018

We launched Watch in the US a year ago to give people a place on Facebook to find shows and video creators they love and to start conversations with friends, other fans, and even creators themselves Facebook starts roll out of Watch on-demand video platform...

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Publié le 17 Novembre 2014

Back to trying stuff out. EQUAKE3D sounds like a cool game, a movie or ?? Well it's actually a controllable, revolving globe upon which USGS earthquake data is plotted. And it's definitely worth a look. read more : read more : equake3D...

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #earthquake, #earth, #science, #US, #EQUAKE3D, #usgs, #3d, #360°, #360deg, #be


Publié le 18 Décembre 2013

People need to understand that what they think is private may not be

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #USA, #US, #government, #people, #understand, #private, #public, #think
