Articles avec #vessel tag

Publié le 17 Novembre 2014

Google Earth Outreach : Global Fishing Watch | Technology Illuminating the Global Fishing Fleet Global Fishing Watch is a technology partnership between SkyTruth, Oceana, and Google, designed to show all of the trackable fishing activity in the ocean....

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #google, #google earth, #Global Fishing Watch, #real time, #vessel, #fishing, #japan, #china, #korea


Publié le 13 Avril 2014

After decades of experiments, U.S. Navy scientists believe they may have solved one of the world’s great challenges: how to turn seawater into fuel. How to turn seawater into fuel ? The development of a liquid hydrocarbon fuel could one day relieve the...

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #fuel, #water, #energy, #oil, #navy, #vessel
