Do you know about : Technology adoption lifecycle ? Dare to be better ? OK !
Publié le 2 Mars 2014
The technology adoption lifecycle is a sociological model that is an extension of an earlier model called the diffusion process.
Beal, Rogers and Bohlen together developed a model called the diffusion process[5] and later Everett Rogers generalized the use of it in his widely acclaimed book, Diffusion of Innovations[6] (now in its fifth edition), describing how new ideas and technologies spread in different cultures.
The report summarised the categories as:
- innovators – had larger farms, were more educated, more prosperous and more risk-oriented
- early adopters – younger, more educated, tended to be community leaders, less prosperous
- early majority – more conservative but open to new ideas, active in community and influence to neighbours
- late majority – older, less educated, fairly conservative and less socially active
- laggards – very conservative, had small farms and capital, oldest and least educated
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