Bubbli is a start-up which intends to reinvent photography by bringing the real world to the flat web
Publié le 22 Mai 2014
Bubbli is a start-up which intends to reinvent photography by bringing the real world to the flat web
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Android 手机上有的拥有球面全景拍照的功能,但拍出来的照片需要同样拥有该功能的手机才能欣赏。Bubbli 是一款 iOS 上的应用,也是一款能将你视野周围所有的景物都包含在内的拍照应用。
Bubbli 是 iOS 上的应用,但并不是只有 iOS 设备才可以看到 Bubbli 拍的照片。在极客公园的招聘页面上(点击 阅读原文 内有链接),就添加了 Bubbli 拍的办公室全景相片。实际上 Bubbli 拍完照片后可通过链接分享给好友,在浏览器中即可查看效果。在Bubbli 的网站首页也展示了 Bubbli 拍的照片,很酷。另外,目前在移动设备上打开 Bubbli 分享的链接体验不是很好,建议在电脑上观看。
球 面全景拍照并不是新的技术,早就有这样的应用了。我们为什么觉得 Bubbli 很酷,是因为它可以将全景照片更好的分享出来,只要有个浏览器就可以查看。这样的方式让更多的好友能看到照片,才能体现其价值所在。当然如果以后在各个系 统内都可以支持这种球面全景的拍图片,像 JPEG 协议一样,再好不过了。浏览器毕竟只是一个折衷的方案。
courtesy of : http://chuansongme.com/n/230749
Google translate : Japanese to English
Android shǒujī shàng yǒu de yǒngyǒu qiúmiàn quánjǐng pāizhào de gōngnéng, dàn pāi chūlái de zhàopiàn xūyào tóngyàng yǒngyǒu gāi gōngnéng de shǒujī cáinéng xīnshǎng. Bubbli shì yī kuǎn iOS shàng de yìngyòng, yěshì yī kuǎn néng jiāng nǐ shìyě zhōuwéi suǒyǒu de jǐngwù dōu bāohán zài nèi de pāizhào yìngyòng.
Bubbli is the application on iOS, but not the only iOS device can see Bubbli photographs. Geeks on a recruitment page park (click to read a link to the original inside), add the Bubbli took office panoramic photos. After the photo shoot actually Bubbli can share with friends via a link in the browser to see the effect. In Bubbli site's home page also shows Bubbli photos, cool. In addition, the current open Bubbli sharing experience on a mobile device link is not very good, it is recommended to watch on your computer.
Spherical panorama photos is not new technology, such applications have long been a. Why do we feel Bubbli cool, because it can better share out the panoramic photos, as long as there is a browser can view. In such a way so that more friends to see the photographs, in order to realize its value. Of course, if in the future you can support this spherical panorama of images shot in various systems, such as JPEG protocols, the better. After all, the browser is just a compromise solution.
read more : http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/bubbli
OS: iPhone users don’t have an equivalent of Android’s photosphere feature, but free app Bubbli changes that. Bubbli creates 360-degree photographs, complete with sound—or “bubbles”, as the app likes to call them.
Dropbox's desire for photo apps and services has swallowed another company. TechCrunch reports that the cloud-storage service has purchased photo-startup Bubbli for its 3D-photo stitching ...
Bubbli’s goal has always been to capture experiences in a way that feels like you are not just viewing photos but reliving memories
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