Our world is measured in 3D, from global construction mega-projects sharing information among thousands, to Kinect devices being used by individuals

Publié le 18 Mai 2014

Our world is measured in 3D, from global construction mega-projects sharing information among thousands, to Kinect devices being used by individuals

SPAR International 2014 wraps up in Colorado Springs!

Our world is measured in 3D, from global construction mega-projects sharing information among thousands, to Kinect devices being used by individuals.

SPAR International 2014 Participating Organizations

The SPAR conference focuses on business and technology considerations for end-to-end 3D measurement to answer such questions as:

Conference participants represent the breadth of 3D markets including process & power, civil infrastructure, building & architecture, entertainment & gaming, forensic & security, digital cultural preservation.

SPAR is the only technology-neutral event in the marketplace. Speakers, attendees and solutions providers share candid information about available and in-process technology solutions, approaches and work processes from peers in a range of disciplines. The exhibit floor includes all the major hardware manufacturers and software developers showcasing their latest technology solutions.

SPAR International heads back to Houston in 2015. Save the date for March 30 - April 2!

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