Dronestagram Blog : News, tips and tricks about the world’s first drone photography social network
Publié le 17 Juillet 2014
Welcome to Dronestagr.am’s blog.
Here you’ll find news, tips and tricks about the world’s first drone photography social network.
“Let’s build a world map of our Earth with a bird’s eye view.” Remember, that’s our motto ! Thanks to the amazing aerial shots published on Dronestagram by our community of Dronists, our dream is about to come true !
But photos with a bird’s eye view can also come from other technologies or sports ! That’s why we have decided to open new sections on Dronestagram !
Your pictures or videos taken from Plane, Parachute, Paragliding, Wingsuit, Base Jump, Balloon, Glider, Hang-glider or from Panono* are now welcome in the “Other Aerial Views” category!
Several communities but same passion !
Many thanks to our friends at Parrot, for their mention of Dronestagr.am on their official Facebook page.