Let's GO the Lighthouse of the Mediterranean : let's have a look to its summit crater

Publié le 28 Juillet 2014

Let's GO the Lighthouse of the Mediterranean : let's have a look to its summit crater

Stromboli, a small island north of Sicily, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and famous for its normally small, but regular explosions throwing out glowing lava from several vents inside its summit crater.

This activity has been going on for at least 2000 years, as long as there is written memory of the activity, which Stromboli lended its name to, the so-called strombolian activity.


The N-most island of the Eolian Islands is famous for its spectacular incandescent nighttime explosions, that have long attracted visitors from all over the world and brought the volcano the nickname the "Lighthouse of the Mediterranean." Stromboli has even given its name to this kind of typical small explosions.
As long as there are historical records, Stromboli has been constantly active, which makes it almost unique among the volcanoes in the world.

Most of its activity consists of brief and small bursts of glowing lava fragments to heights of 100-200 m above the craters.

Occasionally, much stronger explosions or periods of more continuous activity can occur. The most violent eruptions during the past 100 years, in 1919, 1930 and on 5 April 2003, were large enough to take lives and or destroy property even at considerable range from the craters, for example inside the inhabited areas.
Apart from explosive activity, effusive eruptions with outflow of lava occur at irregular intervals ranging from a few years to decades. The most recent one began on 28 December 2002 and ended in July 2003.

Stromboli offers visitors a unique possibility to watch its eruptions. From the rim of an older crater one can stand only 150-250 m almost directly above the active craters,- a perfect viewing terrace. It should be mentioned that this is regarded as surprisingly safe as well: even though there is a small risk of being involved in a sudden, larger explosion (which happen infrequently a few times per year), and then being hit, injured or killed by an ejected bomb from the crater, the risk in terms of numbers is probably much smaller than many other risks in everyday situations. The number of accidents on Stromboli, when compared to the number of visitors at the crater over the years, is extremely small.

For hose who know and learn to love it, Stromboli is a magical place,- even not only for its volcano, but also for its unique charm, its beautiful beaches, the lush vegetation and its characteristic and unspoiled architecture.

Read more : http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/stromboli/news/45670/Stromboli-volcano-Eolian-Islands-Italy-intense-activity-short-lived-lava-flow-on-Sciara-del-Fuoco.html

Eruption STROMBOLI : Stromboli,Italie, 926 m

Date de l'éruption : Du 28-12-2002 au 21-07-2003

Résumé :
Le paroxysme débute par la formation d'une avalanche de débris qui affecte la Sciara del Fuoco et provoque un tsunami de 6 à 10 m de haut. Celui-ci endommage les maisons situées sur la côte. Des coulées prennent alors naissance au pieds du cône Nord Est et arrivent rapidement en mer. Elle se maintiendront jusqu'au 07 juillet. Le 5 avril 2003, une explosion puissante propulse bombes et ponces sur les villages insulaires, provoquant des dégâts. Les scientifiques qui surveillent alors l'édifice en hélicoptère échappent de peu à la mort. Aucun signe précurseur n'as pu être clairement identifié.

Lieu de l'éruption : Sciara del Fuoco

Date de l'éruption : Du 11-09-1930 au 11-09-1930

Résumé :
Le paroxysme de 1930 est un événement phare dans l'activité éruptive historique du volcan. En effet, tandis que des coulées se mettent en place du 03 au 06 février 1930, l'activité explosive devient progressivement importante. Le paroxysme est atteint le 11 septembre lorsqu'une incroyable explosion se déclenche, quelques dizaines de minutes après qu'aient eu lieu des chutes de cendres très claires. Une coulée pyroclastique affecte le Valonazzo et arrive en mer, tuant 4 personnes, alors que des bombes retombent sur les pentes externes du volcan. Le Sémaphore Labronzzo est détruit par une bombe de 30 tonnes, et ce sont des morceaux de lave de 150 kg qui atteignent le village de Stromboli. A Ginostra, flanc Sud, 14 maisons sont détruites, touchées par des blocs dont certains font 10 m3! Un tsunami se forme, tuant 1 personne. Au total, ce sont 6 personnes qui trouvent la mort, et 22 autres qui sont blessées. La zone cratèrique, partiellement détruite, est méconnaissable.

Lieu de l'éruption : Cratères sommitaux et Sciara del Fuoco

Source : http://laculturevolcan.blogspot.fr/2014/07/nouvelle-effusion-sur-stromboli.html

Stromboli volcano (Eolian Islands, Italy): intense activity, short-lived lava flow on Sciara del Fuoco - A lava overflow erupted from the NW hornito on Sunday and traveled approx. 200 m down the Sciara del Fuoco. This followed a particularly intense phase of activity at this vent, marked by frequent and strong explosions and continuous spattering.  Smaller, short-lived overflows have occurred from the same vent since, and activity remains high, with many explosions from several vents

Stromboli volcano (Eolian Islands, Italy): intense activity, short-lived lava flow on Sciara del Fuoco - A lava overflow erupted from the NW hornito on Sunday and traveled approx. 200 m down the Sciara del Fuoco. This followed a particularly intense phase of activity at this vent, marked by frequent and strong explosions and continuous spattering. Smaller, short-lived overflows have occurred from the same vent since, and activity remains high, with many explosions from several vents

Stromboli volcano activity 21-24 June: small lava overflow and strong explosions

Stromboli Juni 2013HD

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Publié dans #volcan, #stromboli, #etna, #Eolian Islands, #crater, #cratere, #spectacular, #web, #be leader

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