Miami to Exuma Bahamas on Sea-Doos Part VII: Homeless in the Bahamas

Publié le 17 Juillet 2014

Miami to Exuma Bahamas on Sea-Doos Part VII: Homeless in the Bahamas

The adventure continues.

We departed Staniel Cay and headed to Big Major Cay to see the famous "swimming pigs" of the Exumas. The swimming pigs did not disappoint and they came out to greet us as soon as we made landfall. Next we headed to Sampson Cay to refuel. There we encountered an extremely high-tech boat that some of the locals believed to be a drug boat. Next it was on to Compass Cay to swim with some wild sharks and enjoy the famous Compass Cay hamburgers.

Originally when we planned the trip we were planning to camp for at least two days. Heat, salt, and exhaustion made camping seem like less of a good idea once we reached the Bahamas. So we spent much of day 5 on a satellite phone attempting to call the few villas available for rent in the Exumas; All of them were booked solid. With no other options available, we headed North to the Warderick Wells region to setup a camp site. We were officially "homeless in the Bahamas". We decided to camp on a small secluded island called "Paradise Island", with a nice protected beach. Unfortunately we soon realized that Jeff forgot the tent poles. So Jeff and I headed to the Exumas Land & Sea Park Headquarters in hopes of borrowing some supplies. The park rangers were awesome and they set us up with poles from 3 different tents. We were able to rig together a makeshift tent but we couldn't secure the rain proof cover.

Around 2:00 AM that night, I woke up and stepped outside. The beach was covered with tons of tiny scorpions the size of quarters. I looked up and saw lightning and black clouds headed our way. The storm was on us fairly quickly and we had to frantically gather up all our supplies and move them into the tent. So we spent that night surrounded by scorpions, camping outside in a storm, in a leaking tent....It was awesome!!!

Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #video, #action, #action camera, #sport camera, #report, #advise, #Bahamas, #USA, #drone

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