Dare to be Digital video games in Bafta nominations
Publié le 16 Août 2014
Three video games developed in Dundee have been nominated for Bafta awards.
The games were winners in the annual Dare to be Digital video game design competition at Abertay University.
The winner of the Ones to Watch prize will be announced at the at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Games Awards in London next year.
All 15 games from the contest were showcased at Dare ProtoPlay, Scotland's largest gaming festival, over the weekend.
Five-member teams from countries including China, India, Malta and the USA gathered in Dundee for the student games design competition.
The winners were samurai stealth game Chambara; action game Don't Walk: Run, where three players compete as a film's actors escaping the wrath of its world-controlling director; and Sagittarius, where players use a virtual reality headset to aim a crossbow from a moving chariot.
More than 13,000 people tried out the Dare to be Digital games alongside offerings from 30 independent studios at ProtoPlay, a four-day free festival in the city centre.
Kevin Wong from Overly Kinetic, the creators of Chambara, said: "We're all really honoured and really excited to get a BAFTA nomination, and to see all the children come to our booth and enjoy the game so much.
"That's what we live for."
Vivek Deshpande from Too Mainstream, the creators of Sagittarius, said: "We're elated, we really didn't think we'd win.
"After this, we'll go back to India and develop the game further, and are hoping to release it in the near future."
For the second year running, the three main Dare to to be Digital awards were sponsored by PlayStation First, the academic development programme of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.
Luke Savage, the group's academic development manager, said the competition was "a terrific showcase of the next generation of game developers".
read more : http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-28743499
The 2014 summer competition was a terrific showcase of the next generation of game developers!
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