All other drone surfing footage pales in comparison to this drone footage
Publié le 13 Avril 2015
Follow surf photographer Stu Gibson's drone around the world as he captures footage of some of the best surfing spots with some of the best surfers. Big waves, perfect waves, and everything in between, Stu is getting some incredible imagery.
1000 windsurfers, 1 starting line, 4 days of racing and parties, 220 km of full speed racing in about 40 knt Tramontana. That's the Défi Wind of Gruissan. It's taking place in France and absolutly...
Power of image : DEFI WIND 2014 - 1000 windsurfers - 40 knts Tramontana - 220km of full speed racing in 4 days - OOKAWA Corp.
The Ridge is the brand new film from Danny Macaskill... For the first time in one of his films Danny climbs aboard a mountain bike and returns to his native home of the Isle of Skye in Scotland to ...
Astucieuse mise en scène ... au profit d'un territoire (e-tourisme) ou d'un produit (ebrand) - OOKAWA Corp.
Road trip en Nouvelle-Zélande : en route vers le premier lever de soleil de 2015 - OOKAWA Corp.
New Zealand X-PERIENCE Tour - Entre ciel et terre Lieux : Auckland / Hoia farm - Kirita bay / Opotiki / Gisborne / 90 mile beach New Zealand X-PERIENCE Tour - Entre ciel et terre Isola di Stromboli
Road trip en Nouvelle-Zélande : en route vers le premier lever de soleil de 2015 - OOKAWA Corp.
If you looked at facebook five years ago, most of the content that people shared was text! Now, today it's photos or a visual content! In the following five years, it's gonna be videos! ... And if ...
Mark Zuckerberg Keynote Facebook F8 San Francisco : today Internet it's photos or a visual content, tomorrow AR and VR - OOKAWA Corp.
JUST two years after being built, Ukraine's Donetsk airport lies in ruins - OOKAWA Corp.
LE POUVOIR de l'IMAGE !! .../... Built to coincide with the hosting of the 2012 European football championship, the Ukraine spent $16.5 billion building two new stadiums and four new airports for ...
JUST two years after being built, Ukraine's Donetsk airport lies in ruins - OOKAWA Corp.
l'IMAGE change le POINT de VUE - le POINT de VUE change l'IMAGE - OOKAWA Corp.
l'IMAGE change le POINT de VUE - le POINT de VUE change l'IMAGE Source : Mal, Capital of the Maldives Mecca, Saudi ...
l'IMAGE change le POINT de VUE - le POINT de VUE change l'IMAGE - OOKAWA Corp.
As the name suggests, it is an air display. This piece of technology is no dream. Within the past few years, a team of Russian technicians has invented Displair: a 3D multi-touch screen technology ...
Displair: a 3D multi-touch screen technology that projects images onto an aerodynamic layer of fog - Be 3D Web - Be 360 - Dare to be better ? OK ! - OOKAWA Corp.
JCDecaux dévoile les Digital Towers à l'aéroport de Changi à Singapour Paris, le 20 octobre 2014 - JCDecaux SA (Euronext Paris : DEC), numéro un mondial de la communication extérieure, ...
Les Digital Towers de JCDecaux pour aeroport Changi Singapour : du mobilier digital 7m de haut avec 9 ecrans digitaux 80" HD - OOKAWA Corp.
OECD : Measuring the digital economy : a new perspective - OOKAWA Corp.
Premiers extraits du récent ouvrage de l'OECD : &Measuring the digital economy : a new perspective& par OOKAWA-CORP Ookawa-Corp blown by B'Digital, powered by B'Leader, spread by B'Sociable ...
OECD : Measuring the digital economy : a new perspective - OOKAWA Corp.
How hard would it be to give up these technologies ? - OOKAWA Corp.
The internet has been with us for 25 years, and it'll come as no surprise that American adults are smitten, according to Pew's latest data (pdf). More surprising is the news that despite the ...
How hard would it be to give up these technologies ? - OOKAWA Corp.
In 1858, People Said the Telegraph Was 'Too Fast for the Truth' - OOKAWA Corp.
Perusing The New York Times archives a few days ago, I stumbled upon a delightful news nugget from 1858 about the &benefits and evils& of the transatlantic telegraph-delightful, because it reads ...
In 1858, People Said the Telegraph Was 'Too Fast for the Truth' - OOKAWA Corp.
Happy new year! Welcome to 2014! Dare to be better ? OK ! - OOKAWA Corp.
Imaginez un Océan de faisabilités dont la seule limite sera notre imagination ... OOKAWA Corp . est à votre service pour créer et diffuser le plus incroyable smartphone drone wi-fi air technolo...
Happy new year! Welcome to 2014! Dare to be better ? OK ! - OOKAWA Corp.
La prochaine ère du WEB sera faite de Vidéo 360°, et d'Images 360°. Dare to be better ? OK ! Attention ! Sous Youtube, Si votre débit internet est trop faible, vous ne visualiserez pas les vid...
La prochaine ère du WEB sera faite de Video 360° et d'Images 360°. Dare to be better ? OK ! - OOKAWA Corp.
VIDÉOS : Facebook VEUT concurrencer Youtube! - OOKAWA Corp.
Selon le Siècle Digital, depuis un an, Facebook a considérablement accéléré sa stratégie de conquête du média vidéo sur sa plateforme. Après l'ajout de la fonctionnalité de lecture autom...
VIDÉOS : Facebook VEUT concurrencer Youtube! - OOKAWA Corp.