The world’s oldest person, Misao Okawa of Japan, has died a few weeks after celebrating her 117th birthday
Publié le 1 Avril 2015
The world’s oldest person, Misao Okawa of Japan, has died a few weeks after celebrating her 117th birthday.
Okawa succumbed to heart failure surrounded by relatives and nursing home workers who praised her for achieving a long, healthy life.
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She went so peacefully, as if she had just fallen asleep. We miss her a lot.
Misao Okawa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Okawa is the verified oldest Japanese person ever, the oldest person ever born in Asia, and the fifth oldest verified person ever recorded. Okawa was the 30th person verified to have reached age ...
Misao Okawa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Quantified Self [3] is a movement to incorporate technology into data acquisition on aspects of a person's daily life in terms of inputs (e.g. food consumed, quality of surrounding air), states
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