Illuminati Robot says they want to murder the human race!

Publié le 18 Mars 2016

"Eyh HUMAN : je t'emmerde !"  dira le robot ...  en 2035
"Eyh HUMAN : je t'emmerde !" dira le robot ... en 2035

This hot robot says she wants to destroy humans | CNN Robot says it will wipe the human race!

source :

This hot robot says she wants to destroy humans | CNN Robot says it will wipe the human race!

Illuminati Robot says they want to murder the human race!

Illuminati Robot says they want to murder the human race!

Illuminati Robot says they want to murder the human race!

Illuminati Robot says they want to murder the human race!

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Décidemment, OOkawa vous avez le CHIC pour trouver des articles qui saisissent !<br /> J'ai plein de frissons à voir ça.<br /> Glacé.