CES 2017 : Changhong H2 phone with 'infrared vision' knows how fat you are (hands-on)
Publié le 7 Janvier 2017
Just as the smartphone put the power of the internet and a vast knowledge base into our pockets, this innovation will put the capability to learn about the chemical and molecular makeup of materials into the public’s hands.
This is the next leap forward not just for mobile phones, but for all sorts of connected devices. The Changhong H2 and smartphones are only the beginning.
A phone with "see-through" vision sounds like something out of science-fiction, but one device at CES 2017 comes close to exactly that.
Using a near-infrared spectrometer, the (terribly named) Changhong H2 phone can determine things like how fresh your produce is, if your medicine is fake and even your body fat percentage.
The H2 does this by shining a light onto objects (like fruit, medicine and your skin), which penetrates the surface. Molecules from the object then send back light in different ways and this information gets beamed up to a database cloud where it's processed and analyzed.
read more : https://www.cnet.com/products/changhong-h2/preview/
Chinese tech company Changhong is unveiling a new smartphone, the H2, that can scan objects for molecular authenticity using a technology developed by Consumer Physics and Analog Devices (ADI).
The H2 is the first smartphone to use the Scio molecular identification technology developed by Consumer Physics, which uses spectroscopy sensing techniques as well as cloud computing to identify objects. Changhong (known formally as Sichuan Changhong Electric Co.) unveiled the H2 at CES 2017, the big tech trade show in Las Vegas this week.
Launching in 2017, the Changhong H2 and its advanced molecular material sensing and identification technology will allow consumers to scan material and immediately receive actionable insights based on its underlying chemical composition.
Changhong has worked closely with Consumer Physics and ADI to develop and manufacture this first-of-its-kind smartphone. Since collaborating in early 2016, ADI and Consumer Physics have worked to miniaturize the Scio sensor for integration into a wide variety of connected devices.“The Changhong H2 is a remarkable device with unique capabilities that we are excited to add to our growing portfolio of connected and IoT-enabled devices,” said Jin Li, deputy general manager of Changhong, in a statement. “Along with ADI and Consumer Physics, we look forward to bringing the Changhong H2 to the world and inspiring curious thinkers around the world to explore their surroundings in a new and revolutionary way. We also look forward to working closely with third party developers via a software development kit (SDK) that they can use to develop their own applications for the Changhong H2 smartphone.”
“Each year, the Internet of Things continues to grow and the profound impact of smart, connected devices is felt more and more in our daily lives,” said Martin Cotter, senior vice president at Analog Devices, in a statement. “Changhong H2, with the integrated, miniaturized near-infrared spectrometer, marks a huge step forward for connected devices and makes it possible to see the physical world around us like never before via a mobile phone, which is the most common smart device in the world.”
Using Changhong H2, consumers can analyze the properties of foods, liquids, medication, body metrics, and more. This will give consumers new ways to improve their personal wellness, select the best fruits and vegetables, stick to their diets and nutritional needs, and verify product authenticity. Changhong is also working to create a broad ecosystem of mobile applications that utilize the Scio sensor for a wide range of use cases.
Everything in the world is made of molecules and, theoretically, the H2 smartphone can be used on almost any material.
“Just as the smartphone put the power of the internet and a vast knowledge base into our pockets, this innovation will put the capability to learn about the chemical and molecular makeup of materials into the public’s hands,” said Dror Sharon, CEO of Consumer Physics, in a statement. “This is the next leap forward not just for mobile phones, but for all sorts of connected devices. The Changhong H2 and smartphones are only the beginning.”
Compared to regular smartphones, the Changhong H2 is 20 percent more energy efficient. It has a unique 6-inch extra-large high-resolution screen and a 2.0GHz/8-core CPU.
Changhong was started in 1958, and it has been the biggest maker of TVs in China for 18 years. In 2015, its revenues were $15.1 billion.
read more : http://venturebeat.com/2017/01/04/changhongs-h2-smartphone-lets-you-scan-objects-for-molecular-authenticity/
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