Global Energy Architecture Performance Index Report 2016
Publié le 4 Juin 2017
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The Energy Architecture Performance Index (EAPI), developed by the World Economic Forum, aims to provide an additional set of data to help leaders benchmark the current performance of national energy systems, and inform decision-making in the context of the changes under way in the global energy landscape.
Ambition of the Energy Architecture Performance Index The Energy Architecture Performance Index, developed by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture, is now in its fourth year. Since it was launched, the EAPI has contributed to the global benchmarking of energy systems, highlighting topical energy issues and providing guidance on making energy transitions more effective. This year’s report includes the findings from benchmarking 126 countries on 18 indicators covering energy security and access, sustainability, and contribution to economic growth and development. For the first time, EAPI results have been compared with a benchmark (2009), enabling trend analysis over a seven-year period. Like any index, the EAPI cannot fully reflect the complexity of energy systems or of managing energy transitions. It can, however, serve to benchmark the performance of national energy systems, providing a basis for comparison across nations. The EAPI offers the latest available global energy data, aiding policy formation by providing a reliable indicator of strengths and target areas for improvement. This report also includes a special chapter focusing on how the energy security landscape is changing and the implications thereof. As the energy sector’s transition unfolds faster than ever, and as conditions influencing energy evolve (such as the international security landscape and digital transformation) the time is ripe for a fresh look at energy security, one of the three core dimensions of the EAPI. How are the factors influencing energy security changing? What are the implications for governments and companies? This report is designed to help the reader think through these pertinent questions, with the EAPI providing a fact-based framework to support the discussion.
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