Voici un outil revolutionnaire pour couper fendre decouper debiter des bûches de bois en bois de chauffage : facile et rapide
Publié le 18 Octobre 2017
I am 70 years old so beating on steel wedges with a sledge hammer for several hours is not an attractive prospect. Thankfully I have my new Splitz-All tool that has changed my splitting experience forever.
Thank you.
I use the Splitz-All almost every day.We do not use any power tools for splitting so there have been many times when the Splitz-all was indispensable. We do find the splitz-all very useful. This is an 8′ long X 24″ diameter oak log spit using the splitz-all. Another 12′ section ( is also split but not visible). Open a crack with the splitz-all and start driving wedges.

Voici un outil révolutionnaire pour couper fendre découper débiter des bûches de bois en bois de chauffage : facile et rapide
A look at the Splitz-All operation will reveal its advantages over the competition
Discover the enriched panoramic version SPLITZ-ALL and SPLITZ-ASSIST
B'360 Format : FR version / EN version
The traditional method for splitting logs has been long been a choice between an ax or a powered hydraulic splitting machine.
One approach requires considerable bending and stretching with good aim while the other requires a pretty fat wallet. Now there’s an alternative that overcomes both of these shortcomings. The Splitz-All manual wood splitter provides an affordable, fast, and safe way to stack the woodpile sky high.

Controlled Force
At first glance, the Splitz-All wood splitter bears little resemblance to any other sort of log splitting device you’ve seen before. All sizes of this tool (small, medium, and large) are all light enough to easily set in position. To use it, simply place the tip atop a log and forcefully slide the driver up and down. The downward motion of the driver forces the tip into the log and breaks it apart. Compare this operation to using an ax or maul. With one of these tools, you have to put your back into it, and that doesn’t do your back much good. There’s also the matter of hitting the exact same spot repeatedly so your efforts won’t go to waste. If the ax gets stuck half way into the log, you’ll have to raise the heavy log off the ground to get the momentum to finish the split. This creates all sorts of safety hazards. With the Splitz-All, the wedge tip can be held steady with the log staying in place while only the driver moves. When the driver is shoved down, body weight provides a big part of the force that gets the work done. The vertical handles are long enough to allow users of any height to get a comfortable grip on them without putting themselves in an awkward position.
Fuel Efficient
As a manual log splitter, the Splitz-All stacks up nicely compared to expensive power tools. The device is streamlined for storage and costs a lot less than the typical hydraulic wood splitter. The idea behind chopping firewood is to create fuel. But powered log splitters burn fuel and generate plenty of noise in the process.
There’s also the matter of maintenance.
With the Splitz-All wood splitter, there’s nothing to set up and it can be used quickly. It’s easy to forget that hydraulic splitters, for obvious safety reasons, are actually pretty slow. They also still require some manual labor with logs into position. Of course, the size of the hydraulic splitter’s trough places a limit on the size of the log. As a hand-held tool, the Splitz-All is under no such restrictions while rapidly tackling the biggest logs.

Voici un outil revolutionnaire pour couper decouper debiter des bûches de bois en bois de chauffage : facile et rapide
Voici un outil revolutionnaire pour couper decouper debiter des bûches de bois en bois de chauffage : facile et rapide

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