Project Soli - Google ATAP : miniature radar to detect touchless gesture interactions - 3D 360° worlds
Publié le 8 Juin 2018

Soli is a new sensing technology that uses miniature radar to detect touchless gesture interactions
Your hands are the only interface you'll need
Soli is a purpose-built interaction sensor that uses radar for motion tracking of the human hand.

Soli tracks and recognizes dynamic gestures expressed by fine motions of the fingers and hand.
What are the potential applications of Soli?
The Soli chip can be embedded in wearables, phones, computers, cars and IoT devices in our environment.
Soli has no moving parts, it fits onto a chip and consumes little energy. It is not affected by light conditions and it works through most materials.
Just imagine the possibilities...
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Project Soli is developing a new interaction sensor using radar technology.
Soli is a new sensing technology that uses miniature radar to detect touchless gesture interactions
Project Soli By Google ATAP
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