La Super évolution des Robots de Boston Dynamics en 10 minutes videos
Publié le 28 Mai 2019

Boston Dynamics
We pride ourselves in building machines that both break boundaries and work in the real world.
We began as a spin-off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where we developed the first robots that ran and maneuvered like animals. Now we are taking the next step, combining the principles of dynamic control and balance with sophisticated mechanical designs, cutting-edge electronics, and software for perception, navigation, and intelligence. Boston Dynamics has an extraordinary technical team of engineers and scientists who seamlessly combine advanced analytical thinking with bold engineering and boots-in-the-mud practicality.
We pride ourselves in building machines that both break boundaries and work in the real world.
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BOSTON DYNAMICS [EVOLUTION OF ROBOTS] Evolution of Boston Dynamics ROBOTS. BIGDOG: BigDog was a quadrupedal robot created in 2005 by Boston Dynamics, in conjunction with Foster-Miller, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the Harvard University Concord Field Station.
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Il court, négocie les pentes, enjambe les escaliers et suis son maître fidèlement. S'il n'est pas encore doué d'émotions, le prototype "Spot" de la Boston Dynamics est doté de nombreux sens. ...
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