Articles avec #footage tag

Publié le 18 Avril 2021

Sometimes, no word is needed ! Let's watch and keep the silence as it is : peace and quite. CONGRATS guys! Knowing how made is the EARTH ... be ready to watch what is Next! 3D system - patent - earth - moon - observation - empiric solution - vulcano Hakon...

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #FPV, #drone, #footage, #island, #volcano, #video, #photo, #photographie, #volcan, #brevet


Publié le 13 Avril 2015

Follow surf photographer Stu Gibson's drone around the world as he captures footage of some of the best surfing spots with some of the best surfers. Big waves, perfect waves, and everything in between, Stu is getting some incredible imagery. Power of...

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