Articles avec #panorama tag

Publié le 22 Mai 2014

Bubbli is a start-up which intends to reinvent photography by bringing the real world to the flat web You can Watch a sample here : Android 手机上有的拥有球面全景拍照的功能,但拍出来的照片需要同样拥有该功能的手机才能欣赏。Bubbli 是一款 iOS 上的应用,也是一款能将你视野周围所有的景物都包含在内的拍照应用。...

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #360°, #360 deg, #3D, #3D stitching, #panorama, #Dropbox, #Bubbli, #image, #photo


Publié le 22 Mai 2014

Dropbox’s desire for photo apps and services has swallowed another company. TechCrunch reports that the cloud-storage service has purchased photo-startup Bubbli for its 3D-photo stitching technology. According to an email sent by the company’s co-founders,...

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Rédigé par OOKAWA-Corp

Publié dans #360, #360°, #360 deg, #3D, #3D stitching, #panorama, #Dropbox, #image, #photo
